Presidents Awards Heritage Crafts 2023

On Tues 14th of November, Sarah, Jean and myself travelled up to Windsor for the Presidents Awards. I had been shortlisted and was in a group of 3 people nominated for this very prestigeous award.

On the Wednesday we made our way to Windsor Castel where we attended this very special event run by the Heritage Crafts Ass which was sponsored by the Royal Mint. The event was held to recognise various catagories of crafts people and the contributions they had made to their crafts including lifetime achievement award etc.

The Presidents Award is the most prestigeous award you can achieve, so for me to be shortlsted was a great honour. I came runner up which was beyond my wildest dreams and not something I had expected when considering all the other amazing crafts people around our country.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that run the Heritage Crafts , the sponsors and those people who in the background that you never see that do so much to keep the crafts alive. The Heritage Crafts Ass do so much to help people in many ways including financially. Without their direct input and help many crafts would never survive at a great cost to our country.

Finally I would like to thank Sarah Ready, Jean my wife and our creative writing intern Milla James for all their support and help they give; I am just a cog in the machine normally seen out front at the events. They are the ones who keep things in check and do the real work. Milla is now at Bath University studying hard , she will still be writing pieces for us from time to time but studies must come first, so excuse any mistakes in my write up !!!! this is not something i normally do .